In this investiture of fleshly life A soul that is a spark of God survives . And sometimes it breaks through the sordid screen And kindles a fire that makes us half-divine. Savitri, Book 11, Canto V
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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Good morning!

Yesterday I was in a little hurry while watering the plants. It's
because the sun already appeared with his sober hues. While moving to
the eastern corner I felt a whisper - as if someone was calling me. It
was silent -but I felt the call. Suddenly, I discovered it-the tiny
rose in the corner. I had overlooked her and was completely unaware of
her existence so far. As I looked on it I heard -"Good morning!"
It was smiling in the cool air.
A silent response instantaneously rose and I told -"I love you!"


Anonymous said...

The infinite delight of Being seeks to realise itself as infinite delight of Becoming: this is the whole secret of the Universe.
This unfolding is a movement of progressive self-awareness, just like the blossoming of a flower.
And perhaps that Delight of Existence tries to ceaselessly communicate this great secret to clueless man by the image of a blossom looking out from tree and plant, peering from shrub and creeper.