In this investiture of fleshly life A soul that is a spark of God survives . And sometimes it breaks through the sordid screen And kindles a fire that makes us half-divine. Savitri, Book 11, Canto V
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I have been tagged - shadow of Dyuman

I have been tagged by my friend bubblegumgirlz.
I have been tagged earlier also like other unfortunate Flickr-friends
. I have been asked by my friend to tag five others as a part of this
game. This is the unfortunate part that I have to tag some who may
feel it not comfortable (like me) to come out. But I am rendered
helpless by my friend bubblegumgirlz!
1. My birth month is July and I'm a cancerian
2.My first love is reading and the next is writing
3.I do not like photography much contrary to people's belief.
4.Religiosity -I dislike most.I believe that the days of religions are
gone. The God appears now to be too great to be defined in the
conventional systems of religions.
5.I believe in One-World.
6.Like all the normal people I love my wife, son and my daughter and
they also enjoy my presence.
7.I am very shy especially with the women folk.
8.I was chain smoker a year ago as it was my first love. I quitted it
and still not feeling well without it. I have never taken alcohol in
my life.
9.I like Tagore-songs very much. Once I knew almost all the 2500 odd of them.
10.My good wishes to you all.