In this investiture of fleshly life A soul that is a spark of God survives . And sometimes it breaks through the sordid screen And kindles a fire that makes us half-divine. Savitri, Book 11, Canto V
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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Radha's consciousness in the vital-Aparajita

While planting a new plant in the small piece of land in front of our
house I found it crawling over the ground. I helped it to have its way
over the wall.

Radha's Consciousness in the vital*
Perfect attachment to the Divine replaces all vital attractions and passions.

Clitoria Terenatea
Blue pea, Blue vine, Butterfly pea. Pigeon wings, Mussel-shell creeper
Medium-sized single light purple or mauve papilionaceous flower that
has a broad oval central petal with a yellow centre and wing petals
edged with pale blue; borne singly on a short stem. A slender
perennial vine with beanlike pods.
[*The spiritual significance of this flower was given by the Mother of
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, India. The word Vital is ascribed
generally to the life forces by Sri Aurobindo. In Sanskrit it is
called prana]