In this investiture of fleshly life A soul that is a spark of God survives . And sometimes it breaks through the sordid screen And kindles a fire that makes us half-divine. Savitri, Book 11, Canto V
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Saturday, November 22, 2008

the poet of the forest

'Poetry is written by words and not by ideas'-Mallarme

And the words are conceived in sounds.

PS: Personally I am not at unison with Mallarme. He knew the half truth.

A tree and Calcutta Medical College

While walking down a street beside the Calcutta Medical College and
Hospital-the tree caught my eyes. So I took it. I'm not at all
interested in buildings-but I could not separate the tree that unlike
me loved the building.
The building is more than hundred years old. It is one of the several
wards. It was built by the British.