In this investiture of fleshly life A soul that is a spark of God survives . And sometimes it breaks through the sordid screen And kindles a fire that makes us half-divine. Savitri, Book 11, Canto V
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Sunday, December 7, 2008

a book and its leaf

You can not find the secrets of life by reading books. The words are
dry and life-less.

The photo was taken by my daughter and she presented it to me.


Anonymous said...

... there are books which open enormous windows to the greatest secrets of life. A small quotation from such a book:
I am not a Bhakta, I am not a Jnani, I am not a worker for the Lord. What am I then? A tool in the hands of my Master, a flute blown upon the divine Herd-Boy, a leaf driven by the breath of the Lord.