retain and thus being unburdened of everything- it wins all.
The wind coming from over the infinite ocean touches it!
"..all problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony" -Sri Aurobindo
The wind coming from over the infinite ocean touches it!
Posted by Blogger at 6:57 AM
We have eyes to see what are before us. The eyes are neutral i.e. they have no discerning qualities; they never offer any judgement on what appear before them. Eye is only a sense instrument. But who then in us sees a beauty amidst many that come in the arena of our eyes? I do not know whether science has any infallible reason for this selective mind. But what I love to believe, not without reason, is that we are constantly seeking harmony in life and in things –and everywhere. When we see that one plus one makes two-we feel satisfied –something in us get relieved. It is because the reason itself is a sense of harmony. The scientists have been seeking harmony everywhere only under a different nomenclature. Their seeking in their own way for a Theory of All is to get harmonised with that which lie still separately without getting connected to what they have already formulated. Like an artist they do not feel comfort to find two things existing separately without being related to the other.
Creating an image is to create a harmony with the different objects the image is concerned with. The artists and photographers are after beauty. Beauty is only visible when we are able to see the harmony in the object. Ordinarily we are not always able to find beauty unless an artist comes to guide us.
But the consciousness of harmony lies deep within us and our senses can not conceive it in normal perception. It is because not all the beauties are manifested with matter. So we have to twist or break them, fuse or add to them other materials to create something which conforms to our inner sense of harmony. A thing thus created –may not apparently conform to the real or actual vividness but still they are existing reality of a real being –myself or for that matter any viewer.
This blog is all about harmony.
Let us be that.
"...For at the gates of the Transcendent stands that mere and perfect Spirit described in the Upanishads, luminous, pure, sustaining the world but inactive in it, without sinews of energy, without flaw of duality, without scar of division, unique, identical, ... the pure Self of the Adwaitins, the inactive Brahman, the transcendent Silence. And the mind when it passes those gates suddenly,...receives a sense of the unreality of the world and the sole reality of the Silence which is one of the most powerful and convincing experiences of which the human mind is capable. Here ... we have the starting- point for a second negation - ...the refusal of the ascetic.
...As we have seen how greatly Materialism has served the ends of the Divine, so we must acknowledge the still greater services rendered by Asceticism to Life."
Sri Aurobindo
The Life Divine
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